
Our seasoned industry professionals have a clear understanding of the way in which technology and media intersect, and push boundaries to find new and innovative ways to maximise the return on your investment.

The Robust Team of professionals are adept at identifying, assessing, and selecting the appropriate media channels to reach a well-defined target audience. Our impeccable record shows that we have the ability to determine how, where, when, and why a business will share media content to boost awareness, reach, and engagement, as well as to optimise your returns on paid advertising. We have an innate capacity for developing a co-ordinated and well-considered media plan that offers the greatest value at the best rate.

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We implement a strategic plan to execute the objectives and strategies pertinent to the placement of your company’s advertising messages based on results of the following research:

Information Sources

  • Client information
  • Market research
  • Competitive advertising
  • Media information
  • Consumer information

Client information

  • Targeted markets
  • Previous promotions and their performance
  • Product sales and distribution patterns
  • Brand plans
  • The budget

Market Research

  • Independently gathered information about markets and product categories

Competitive Advertising

  • Media planners make decisions based on the amount of competitive traffic
  • Share of voice
    • Measures the percentage of total advertising spending by one brand relative to the competition

Media Information

  • Various media provide information about the size and makeup of their audiences
  • Designated marketing area

Consumer Information

  • Media planners use consumer information to locate the target audience within media markets

Media Objectives

  • Exposure and GRPs
  • The Reach Objective
  • The Frequency Objective
  • Effective Frequency

Gross impressions

  • The sum of the audiences of al the media vehicles used during a certain time span
  • Gross Ratings Points
  • Media planners convert impressions to gross ratings points in order to compare the efficiency of media schedules

Exposure and GRPs

  • The Reach Objective
  • The Frequency Objective
  • Effective Frequency
  • The percentage of the audience that is exposed at least once to the advertiser’s message during a specific time frame
  • Unduplicated audiences
  • Estimates the number of times the exposure is expected to happen
    • Average frequency
    • Frequency distribution
  • Combines the reach and frequency elements into one factor

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